Friday 5 July 2013

Bad Professors

Here is my list of professors behaving badly
  • M. Sreenivas and T. Srinivas from India. Famous for plagiarizing word by word math articles
  • Jonah Lehrer (American author, journalist) quit his job at the New Yorker, after admitting that he fabricated some quotations from Bob Dylan in his recent book Imagine: How Creativity Works
  • Former Harvard primatologist professor  Marc Hauser fabricated, manipulated data
  • University of Michigan business school professor Karl Weick , for plagiarism
  • Ed Wegman, plagiarism, statistics professor at George Mason University,
  • Frank Fischer, Rutgers, plagiarism
  • Danut Marcu, mathematician from Bucharest, Romania has authored more than 377 papers on mathematics and computer science, plagiarism
  • Nelson Tansu, professor of Electrical Engineering at Lehigh, master of self citation, able to cite himself 40 times in a paper, cited himself 176 times in a single SPIE proceeding, manipulate other authors to cite him 280 times in a Special issue of IEEE OSA Journal of Display Technology (April,May 2013)
  • Ji Huan He, manipulated citation,and impact factor
  • Ahmet Yildirim, Ege University, Turkey, manipulated citations

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