Happy Birthday America!! Last week USA celebrated 4th of July ! Happy Independence Day
Independence is happiness.
And We are all created equal
But I wish we Americans can do a better responsibility with the awesome incredible wealth we have inherited. American exceptional can only have a basis in being an example of an democratic culture that tolerates a wide range of individual manners, welcomes people from all cultures, and brings them together in an American dream. But now we are falling behind, becoming a typical empire, where we are the slaves serving the robber tycoons. The media and the politicians are slaves to corporate interests, and the young men and women in our armies deployed in ever-more-expensive and unproductive wars overseas.
We Americans inhabit the whole continent, and that paternalistic and rather arrogant name you have bestowed upon ourselves is a clear demonstration of our national attitude toward the rest of the world. I think history has shown that it is a quality of our species to want to dominate everything! Our environment, other species, ourselves. And like so many things in nature, whatever dominance we achieve is temporary. The arrogance that comes when a particular group gains strength and widespread acceptance, seems to be an offshoot of that quality. The drive to dominate may be what has allowed us to survive as a species as long as we have, but I suspect the arrogance to think that we are smarter than the environment that supports us will be the thing that takes us down in the end.
America, come back to your roots! Let's do some nation-building at home, so we can be proud of what we leave behind for our kids. I hear your cry and longing, I only have ideas of how to wean from personal counterproductive addictions, and it is not discipline.
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